Barrie EWstwell

                                                          p 020 7207 2965  m 07711 161 864


Barrie Westwell  

The Illusioneer



Visit our Showroom, Studio & Theatre in South London or visit us online.

We will entertain you with our: Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy and Legerdemain. New ideas for children's parties. Presentations for your special events. Flea circus. Levitation. Street & Gambling scams.

Talks& lectures.

Close Up Magic, Street Magic, Classic Illusion, Puzzles, Stage Illusions and Mentalism for your Event or Special Occasion.


Helps sell your company and it's products, Exhibitions, Conferences

and Workshops are our specialty.

Associated Companies



This associate company has extensive expertise in Television and

Events as a Producer, Project Director and Manager.


Shows innovative people and organisations with great ideas, how

to communicate and focus their ideas for market!

















© copyright Westwell Associates 2007